Summer is here and for many, that means family road trips. Traveling with a baby can be hectic and stressful. Below are a few important safety tips to remember when you are traveling with your children:
Always ensure that your child is properly restrained.
Whether that be in a car seat or booster seat, it is so important that your babies are in their correct seat. Typically, babies will ride rear-facing until they turn two and they are never supposed to ride in a front passenger seat. Remember, fire or police stations are always available to check for correct installation. For more car seat safety tips, click here.
Enable child locks.
Make sure that your child locks are always on your backdoors to avoid children accidentally opening the door while the car is moving.
Never leave your child in the car alone.
Even if you think your baby will be fine while you run in the gas station, it is never safe to leave your child in the car alone. Your car gets hot faster than you think which can lead to a pediatric vehicular heatstroke (PVH).
Try to plan for trips that are no longer than 6 hours.
Just like adults, it can be unhealthy for children to sit in the same spot for long periods of time. When traveling, plan stops along your route, so everyone can get out and stretch their legs. This may require booking hotels and splitting the drive among multiple days.
Sit next to your baby in the car.
If you are traveling with more than one person, let someone sit next to the baby so they feel comfortable on the trip. Car rides with children can be very hectic, so ensuring that the baby feels safe and relaxed is the key to a successful trip.
For more on child safety, we encourage listening to our podcast episode here.
Kaufman Law represents those that been involved in accidents or otherwise personally injured. With questions regarding a potential case, contact our Atlanta firm today.