July 4th and the week surrounding the big holiday falls into the top three of the most dangerous times of the year. Many people are taking road trips, going on vacation, visiting family, etc., which means that they are on the road more. Not only are they on the road more, but the excitement for the celebration is high, meaning that drivers may not be as alert or cautious as they are on a normal day.
According to the National Safety Council, July is the deadliest month of the entire year when it comes to preventable deaths. In 2016, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 188 people were killed in crashes involving drunk drivers between July 2nd and July 6th. Aside from roadway deaths, in previous years there have also been a heavy report of deaths from heatstroke and drownings.
Although July has shown to be a dangerous month, the key word we want to take note of is preventable. Many of the deaths reported in past years can be prevented if everyone takes part in following a few safety tips.
Driving Tips
Drive Sober - Before drinking, have a plan for how you will get back home. Driving under the influence not only puts yourself at risk, but others on the road as well.
Avoid Speeding - Crashes involving speeding are highest in the summer months, so it is important to slow your speed.
Drive Hands-Free - Georgia is a hands-free state, so be sure to put away all distractions, including your cell phone, while driving, so that you can remain focused + alert.
Report Impaired Drivers - Even if you do your part, it doesn't mean that everyone will. If you see something, say something! This also includes taking the keys of a friend that should not drive.
Wear Your Seat Belt - Seat belts are your best defense in the event of a vehicle crash. Read here for the most common seat belt safety myths.
General Tips
Stay Hydrated - July is a very hot month, especially in Georgia. It is important to stay hydrated when you are spending the majority of your time outside, so that you do not become at risk for heat exhaustion.
Swim Safely - Since July is such a hot month, many people choose to spend their holiday by the water. Whether you are at the beach, lake, pool, or waterpark, it is vital that you practice water safety. Additionally, you should not take part in swimming activities while consuming alcohol. This creates a great risk for drowning.
Wear Sunscreen - If you are spending any time outside during July 4th, or any summer day, make sure to wear your SPF to protect your skin. We've done the research for you and came up with the best adult and children sunscreens to help keep your skin healthy this season.
Be Cautious With Fireworks - As we all know, fireworks are one of the best parts of July 4th. Although they are an awesome attraction, firework safety is SO important. Read here for all safety tips regarding fireworks.
Watch Your Intake - July 4th is a holiday where alcohol is heavily involved. For your safety, watch your intake. Consuming too much alcohol while basking in the sun puts you at risk for serious dehydration. Additionally, any time you are drinking alcohol you should always have a plan on how you will get home.
Avoid Food Borne Illnesses - This tip may sound odd, but food borne illnesses are very common on holidays where people are attending cook outs and gatherings. Many times on July 4th, food is served outdoors. Because of that is crucial that certain food safety tips are followed.
Have a fun + safe holiday!