Experiencing car troubles and not having the correct tools to help you can be a nightmare. You can never be too prepared, especially on the #Atlanta highways. We have compiled a list of a few items that can help you create your own emergency car kit to store in your vehicle.
Water is a must have in the case of any emergency, small or large. Make it a habit to keep a few bottles in your car at all times.
Being stuck somewhere without food can be dangerous as well. Granola bars are the perfect snack to keep in your car that can give you energy and nourishment if you’re in an emergency situation.
Spare Tire, Jack, and a Lug Wrench
Making sure that a spare tire remains in your car at all times, as well as the tools necessary to change a flat, will be a quick fix to being stuck on the side of the road.
Keeping a blanket in your car, especially during the cold winter months, can come in handy if car troubles occur. No one wants to be stuck on the side of an #Atlanta interstate ever, but especially not in the snow without a blanket. For more tips on how to stay safe when driving in winter weather, click here.
Jumper Cables
We’ve all experienced a dead car battery and there is nothing worse than not having the means to jump your car off. Keep jumper cables in the back of your car so that a dead battery never keeps you stranded.
A flashlight will come in handy at night time if you are having to sit on the side of the road. This allows you to see what you are doing while working on repairs.
Phone Charger
Everyone needs to designate a phone charger solely for their car. Whenever you experience car troubles you want to be able to call for help and having a dead phone can definitely make an emergency situation even worse.
First Aid Kit
A first aid kit always provides various items that can be helpful during emergencies. Band aids, gauze, tweezers, gloves, and safety pins are a few suggestions that can help you create your own personal kit if you don’t want to buy one.
Reflective Warning Triangles
Roadside reflective triangles are especially important to keep in your vehicle in case of an emergency at night. If you are stuck on the side of the road these can help other drivers see you and can help avoid an accident.
Small Tool Kit
Keeping a small tool kit can help assist in minor car repairs. You just need the basics, such as screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, a pocket knife, and a small hammer are just a few ideas.